Sunday morning... It is not easy to get up early, get ready and go out at 9am in the morning. I made the effort today!
After a cloudy, chilly and windy day yesterday, I was praying for a sunny Sunday. And it turned out to be a sunny, slightly windy but beautiful Spring morning.
A perfect day to listen to Ustad Amjad Ali Khan playing morning ragas in the open amphitheatre at India Habitat Centre. He started the recital by claiming that it is very rare for musicians to get a chance to play the morning ragas these days and he is happy to be here.
Ustadji went on to play for two hours, interspersing serious ragas with shorter playful ones. Sitting in the sun, with smell of marigold flowers pervading all round, I wished the day wouldn't end.
I have somehow never had an opportunity to listen to Amjad Ali Khan live before. As a child I do remember listening to Sarod, Santoor and other classical instrumental music while studying. Music helped clear away other background noises, forcing me to focus on studying. Somewhere in the professional race against time, music got relegated to the back.
In the last few years, I have rediscovered music, I don't understand the science of music but love the sound, beats and generally, the language.
Khan Sahib narrated a story of his father, wherein they were both playing and someone from audience remarked that they were still hungry for more. His father responded that if he is hungry, he should go and eat. Music is for the soul, for ruh. And how true it is ... This Sunday morning was truly music for the soul!
"If music be the food of love, play on."
February 9, 2014
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